Friday, October 26, 2007

A "WOW" statement

I was listening to James MacArthur speak today about witnessing. He said something so profound i could not resist putting it out for others to see and contemplate. He was talking about how he was asked to say the prayer at the White House. He had said that he didn't particularly like doing this as he felt he was unable to preach and pray as he does in church. But he did pray as he does and his prayer did include Jesus' name twice. What he said after that to the congregation about his prayer was this. "In the end of the day there's only one person in the audience,,,that's God". What a "wow" statement. I felt this could be used in so many ways in life whether it be to witness, or even when speaking in front of others for a speach and you are overcome with fear. We should be prepared to serve and love one God and to speak to one God. He is our rock, our salvation, the one who bears witness to our inequities whom we can lay them all before him and he will pick us up and lead the way. So I say as James MacArthur said, "In the End of the day there's only one person in the audience, it is God".

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